Hi, I would like to set “play” in a local/score device to true from a Serial device when a button is pressed but haven’t managed to do it. I have tried using the “return” technique but this only seems to work for “children” of the serial device and not for other devices. eg. I’ve tried this to no avail:
return [{address: “score:/play”, value: true}];
I have also tried a method that has otherwise worked for me in script processes in the Score timeline. eg.
import Ossia 1.0 as Ossia
import Score 1.0 as Score // have tried with and without this (also using the "Ossia" scope rather than the Score scope below) - nothing works
Score.Device.write("score:/play", true);
Hope this makes sense. Any suggestions please?
Edit: Here is the full Serial device script:
import Ossia 1.0 as Ossia
import Score 1.0 as Score
property var lastmsg: ""
function openListening(address) {}
function closeListening(address) {}
function onMessage(message) { // evaluated each time a message is received
var redVal, greenVal, blueVal;
if(message != lastmsg) {
const msgAr = message.split(" ");
lastmsg = message;
redVal = msgAr[1];
greenVal = msgAr[2];
blueVal = msgAr[3];
if(redVal == "1") {
redVal = true;
// return [{address: "Arduino:/red", value: true}];
Score.Device.write("score:/play", true);
} else {
redVal = false;
if(greenVal == "1") {
greenVal = true;
} else {
greenVal = false;
if(blueVal == "1") {
blueVal = true;
} else {
blueVal = false;
return [{address: "/volume", value: msgAr[0] / 1023}, {address: "/red", value: redVal}, {address: "/green", value: greenVal}, {address: "/blue", value: blueVal}];
function createTree() {
return [
name: "volume",
//bind: "Pi:/Vol",
type: Ossia.Type.Float,
min: 0,
max: 1023,
access: Ossia.Access.Get,
bounding: Ossia.Bounding.Clip,
repetition_filter: Ossia.Repetitions.Filtered
name: "red",
type: Ossia.Type.Bool,
access: Ossia.Access.Get,
repetition_filter: Ossia.Repetitions.Filtered
name: "green",
type: Ossia.Type.Bool,
access: Ossia.Access.Get,
repetition_filter: Ossia.Repetitions.Filtered
name: "blue",
type: Ossia.Type.Bool,
access: Ossia.Access.Get,
repetition_filter: Ossia.Repetitions.Filtered