What does a red output with a line through it mean?

I’m just starting out with Ossia Score and I’m following along with the youtube tutorials. I was able to get a sound file to play (also with the gain process added) without any trouble. I can’t get the Looper to do anything, however. What I’m noticing is that the red output circles appear with a line through them sometimes - and there’s no way to get back to a normal output once that happens. I’m also having a hard time understanding how I decide which output to choose for each process in a chain (and how “propagate” relates) but hopefully I will figure that out with more learning. In the meantime, not being able to do what the video shows has stumped me. Thanks for any help,

Here’s a quick screen recording of what I’m talking about: https://youtu.be/LboSSnT_Cds


Hello Robd and welcome !

I just tried using the looper, and I can confirm, it seem to not be working at the moment. If you are able to post a new issue on github, we would really appreciate it !

Hopefully you can still get to know score better through the “common practices” section of the documentation. These examples are mote up to date than the videos too.

Let us know how you get on !