Use max externals without main libossia build?

Is the main libossia build (the one which requires qt-creator) required in order to use the max ossia implementation?

Hey Michael !

Of course if you want to build libossia from source, you can do it by following those instructions

However, if you only want to use the Max implementation (aka ossia-max) you can save yourself a lot of hassle by just downloading the appropriate ossia-max package for your OS on the latest release page and placing it into you Max’s package folder (we’re awaiting to improve stability and robustness before including it into Max’s official package manager - it’s pretty stable already, though, and has been used in several professional productions already, we’re just very cautious about the quality before committing to such publicity)

As for the documentation, you can obviously find your way from the OVERVIEW on, or have a look at

Feel free to ask for further help here or on the issues, if needed,

Cheers !


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Thanks this worked great! I had previously located a max release in which the max externals weren’t instantiating, so am so glad to have this!

hi, glad you solved it !
just a question : where did you see that it requires Qt Creator ? AFAIK it should work on the command line or in any IDE that support CMake (e.g. QtC, but also Visual Studio, CLion, Eclipse…)

So if the documentation says that it requires QtCreator, it’s a bug :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah that makes sense. It says so in the build page on the github wiki for ossia lib.

I don’t see any mention of QtCreator in the Building the Max implementation on MacOS section.

But I added a small header note.