I’m working on a project for multiple-disabled kids. and would love to make digital instruments for them.
For that I’m using captivate sensors that gives midi outputs. those midi outputs will play audio files in Score. That works fine so far. (using my keyboard as a test machine) but the audio files must be capable to overlap. So if a open-hat is clicked twice the sound overlaps In a tutorial i did see the option of conditions and i guess there i can find the solution somewhere…
A vst plugin was a backup solution, but because the project on a RaspberryPi would be great, i kept that option as a final option.
The Cascade option is pretty nice. Good idea! That will work!
So I did read about Score to be compiled on a Pi. That would be a game changer!
It is still work in progress but are you aware of, if audio is playing? and OCS is working on the Score pi yet?
Yes, score can run on the pi.
You will currently have to compile it yourself thought.
It would be interesting to add the pi version to the official releases later on.
Regarding the above example, cascading 2 sound files would probably suffice.