Je tente dooouuuucement d’apprivoiser la bête, et ce n’est pas facile . If that’s okay with me, I might have a number of questions.
My first question:
how to send a simple value to a parameter of a process? For example to alternate the gain between 0 and 1.
Votre logiciel est vraiment très intéressant… si j’arrive à m’en servir
Thanks for all this fantastic work!
Welcome back @elode !
To control the various parameters of a process, you can either send values from another process by connecting it’s output (plane dot, on the the right or the bottom of the box) to the input of the parameter (holow dot on the left of it’s name).
Keep in mind that processes I/O are color coded:
- green for raw values (int, float, string, VecNf…)
- red for audio
- blue for MIDI
- white for graphics
You can also use external devices through various protocols to control processes.
In this case simply drag and drop the desired parameter from the Device explorer to process input.
You may be interested in the online documentation to go further
as well as the latest online workshop
Don’t hesitate if you have any other questions
Thanks, I’m exploring