ALSA audio driver was not working because it had no device it could select. Although I have a HDMI audio capable screen connected. Also have headphones connected. Got audio output from both before in other programs. So I used the dummy audio driver for now to test the video.
Also the aspect ration from the video test file is off. It is not wide enough. Omxplayer and VLC had the correct aspect ratio. It did play quite smooth though!
I could change the window scale to have it the correct aspect ratio. Could be that I dragged accidentally when trying to get it to the foreground. So I tried to close and open the window again in the hope that I got the right aspect ration but now I see in the gfx window that part of the screen that was there (ex: the player and terminal). Playing Score doesn’t make it disappear or play the video in the gfx window.
ps: how do I get those fancy colour code blocks on this forum?