Ossia score and Librazik 3?

Hi there!

I try to install Ossia score on librazik 3, but it seems to be some problems with Qt5qml…
Is there anybody who know how to install Ossia Score on Librazik 3?

Salut tout le monde,
J’ai essayé d’installer Ossia Score sur Librazik 3 mais il semble qu’il y ait des soucis avec Qt5qml.
Est-ce que quelqu’un sait comment installer Score sur Librazik 3?

Merci d’avance!

Hello !
Librazik 3 hasn’t been tried yet, will look at it today.

Okay, there were a couple issues, build was fixed (partly thanks to @thibaudk !) - please refer to the following for up-to-date build instructions for Librazik

Hey thanks for all!

So i tried it and at the “ninja” step i got this:

858/971] Building CXX object src/plugins/score-plugin-media/CMakeFiles/score_plugin_media.dir    /Media/Step/Executor.cpp.o
In file included from ../src/plugins/score-lib-process/Process/Execution/ProcessComponent.hpp:3,
             from ../src/plugins/score-plugin-media/Media/Step/Executor.hpp:3,
             from ../src/plugins/score-plugin-media/Media/Step/Executor.cpp:1:
../src/plugins/score-lib-process/Process/ExecutionContext.hpp:112:47: warning: ‘no_unique_address’ attribute directive ignored [-Wattributes]
 [[no_unique_address]] ossia::disable_init_t disable_copy;
[861/971] Building CXX object src/plugins/score-plugin-media/...Files/score_plugin_media.dir/Media/Sound/SoundComponent.cpp.o
In file included from ../src/plugins/score-lib-process/Process/Execution/ProcessComponent.hpp:3,
             from ../src/plugins/score-plugin-media/Media/Sound/SoundComponent.hpp:4,
             from ../src/plugins/score-plugin-media/Media/Sound/SoundComponent.cpp:1:
../src/plugins/score-lib-process/Process/ExecutionContext.hpp:112:47: warning: ‘no_unique_address’ attribute directive ignored [-Wattributes]
[[no_unique_address]] ossia::disable_init_t disable_copy;
[862/971] Building CXX object src/plugins/score-plugin-media/CMakeFiles/score_plugin_media.dir/Media/Merger/Executor.cpp.o
In file included from ../src/plugins/score-lib-process/Process/Execution/ProcessComponent.hpp:3,
             from ../src/plugins/score-plugin-media/Media/Merger/Executor.hpp:3,
             from ../src/plugins/score-plugin-media/Media/Merger/Executor.cpp:1:
../src/plugins/score-lib-process/Process/ExecutionContext.hpp:112:47: warning: ‘no_unique_address’ attribute directive ignored [-Wattributes]
[[no_unique_address]] ossia::disable_init_t disable_copy;
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.    

So if you need more of the terminal messagei can provide it to you.

Can you run

 ninja -k

(it will fail)

then paste me the whole output of:

ninja -j1

which should be shorter (the “reset” command will clear the terminal buffer beforehand which should make things easier to select)

I did a pastebin here:

this looks like a bug in the code which has been since fixed (sorry, didn’t see the notification)

So, I tryied with a new freshly installed Librazik 3.
And Score is installed.
But I got some issues…
The first time I started Score, It was impossible to configure audio settings. So, I gived up.
When I try again to start Score, I got this message:

cyril@Cyril:~/score/build$ ./run.sh
./ossia-score: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Core.so.5: version `Qt_5.15' not found (required by ./ossia-score)    

So, I looked which version of libQt5Core is installed and I got this one: libQt5Core5a 5.11.3+dfsg1-1+deb10u4. It is the latest in the Debian repository.

So, what do I have to do now?

Oops hadn’t seen the answer, sorry.
This is pretty strange as this means that score was built against Qt 5.15

Can you send me the CMakeCache.txt file that should be in the build folder, as well as the run.sh file ?
Thanks !

Hi there and happy new year! :wink:

So, here is the CMakeCache.txt file:

And the run.sh file:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/Qt/5.15.1/gcc_64/lib ./ossia-score $@

And I hope you’ll see it before year 2077… re :wink:

Yuck, apparently I don’t get mails whenever topics I watch are replied… and I can’t find where the issue is in the discourse config.

For your issue, the run.sh looks correct, can you print (if you still are around, sorry) the content of



Here it is:

Amañ emañ:

C’est là:

Yuck, I really don’t understand then :slight_smile:

The only scenario I could see is :

  • score links against /root/Qt/5.15.1/gcc_64/lib/libQt5Core.so
  • Qt in some internal logic goes looking for plug-ins in e.g. /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt for instance because of some UI theme (which DE are you running ? for instance I know that KDE Plasma puts a ton of various plug-ins in /usr/lib/…/qt which may have this effect)
  • plug-ins end up loading /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Core.so which is an older version
  • boom

Any chance you could send me a wetransfer or something like that with :

  • the ossia-score binary you built
  • the content of /root/Qt/5.15.1/ ? (unless you e.g. installed it from the Qt installer or aqtinstall in which case I can download it on my end).

Otherwise I’d say that a simple way to get something that works would be to statically link Qt (but at this point you can just use the official appimage which already does that).

Also could you send me what

ldd ./ossia-score


LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/Qt/5.15.1/gcc_64/lib ldd ./ossia-score 

gives ?

Otherwise I’ll try adding CI for librazik, it shouldn’t be too hard I guess