Mosca and Ossia score

I am looking to link Mosca (Supercollider) with Ossia Score, just like in this tutorial :

What are the steps to do it ?

(And maybe, first, could it work on Windows ?)

Thanks !

Hi @oliviersurf and welcome !
In the video I was using the OSCQuerry protocol that isn’t yet available in the official release of supercollider.
You can simply use the the OSC learn function of score in a similar way to setup communication with Mosca
here is a quick video to demonstrate it

It also goes into recording automation.

It should work on Windows

Let us know if you encounter any problems.

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Hi !
It works perfectly.
I messed up trying to change ports.
I assume (but i didn’t tried) it can be modified using this method :

OSSIA_Device.newOSC(name, remote_ip: "", remote_port: 9997, local_port: 9996, callback)

Thanks and see you soon.

Yes you can change ports like this, you don’t need to add callbacks tho, just use

OSSIA_Device.newOSC(name, remote_ip: "", remote_port: 9997, local_port: 9996)

The default port are the same as score’s default, so if you change them, you’ll also have to change them in score’s OSC device.