I’m trying to follow the tutorial “first steps”. In the “Meet the Score Interface” section, I read: “As an example, we use the demo scenario provided in the Overview folder”.
… But I can not find this Overview folder or this demo scenario.
Operating system: linuxmint with audio jack.
Thank you for the answer. So I downloaded Overview.scorejson, but when I try to open the file with score, I get this error message: “invalid document”.
All examples and tutorial files have been moved to the user library.
You can make the library accessible from the score “Library” thumb nail by cloning the entire directory and indicating it’s path in “Settings/Library”
Unfortunatly the “.scorejson” file extension is no longer the official extension for score, so it won’t be visible from the user library. But you can still open it as you would any other scenario with “Load”.
I’m using the Appimage on Linux and encountered the same problem. The Appimage doesn’t contain any of the documentation, just the app itself. In the meantime can/should the files be linked on the online version of the tutorial?